We invite you to join us for our annual 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting starting January 6th through January 26th. Prayer and Fasting is a great opportunity to intentionally take time to seek God for his wisdom, counsel, healing, and guidance.
Park Church will be open for prayer:
Personal Devotional Prayer:
Tuesdays 8-9 am
Worship Team hosting Devotional Worship
Wednesdays 7-8 pm
Sunday Morning Prayer
9-9:30 am
Join us for our monthly Women's Study on Jesus & Women
Session 3: Friday 1/10 at 6:00 pm
Topic: Jesus & Women at the Well
Join us once a month as we walk through a study by biblical culturalist, Krisi McLelland, on the historical and cultural climate of the first-century Middle East as she transports you back to Jesus' world, following in the footsteps of the women who come face-t0-face with the Living God.
Youth night is every Thursday night at 5:30. Please bring some money for the Taco Truck.
The Park Table is your local neighborhood pantry. If you find yourself needing some help to put food on the table, we may be able to help you! Our mission is to practically support our local community by providing fresh and nutritious food.
Not only can you receive groceries at The Park Table, but you can also give back! Just as you would bring a dish to place on the table at a family gathering, we encourage Park Table shoppers to volunteer to further the reach to our community.
We couldn’t do what we do without the amazing volunteers here at Park Church. If you would like to get connected and join a serve team, please fill out a connect card and drop it in the card box at the back on your way out of service.
Click here to sign up!
IHOPSD is continuing to host mid-week prayer services here at Park Church. You’re invited to join Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings 7 - 9am. And on Tuesday nights, 7-8pm.
Learn More